Tuesday, August 26, 2008




  1. hurra great effort

    919.2km and 18h of driving, you didn't achive the 1100km you planed but the 18h are already a big effort.
    Here in Portugal we had a tour with 1000km and 24h all in secundary roads and some offroad, but possible to do with all bikes, called "Portugal de lés-a-lés" and now they devided in two days of 12h to make it easyer, is organized and this year we were almost 900 bikes almost 1000 persons and at the end we were completely exhausted.

    Cheers, and rest well, because you deserved

    "keep the rubber down"
    Daniel "RF900" & "Bandit600"

  2. Felicitaciones a los 2 por la concrecion de su travesia!
    Buenisimo el viaje, avisa cuando posteen las fotos del viaje!
    Cuando la repitan en triciclo, avisen que me anoto!

  3. I am glad you came home safe, must have been hell of ride the last miles.

  4. DANI: thanks for following! over 900 km non stop in twisties (no straight line harley riding) is actually PRETTY HARD. But we did it ;)

    MAX VEC: hermano, vos ganaste el concurso del comentario mas estupido! :-) Te quiero!

    JARI: you were there with me! thanx for all the texts ;)

  5. We were dead.
    We neither handshaked each other for what we had done.
    We put bikes in garage, and went straight to take a shower.

  6. I'm very angry cos' :
    1) there's nothing written about the ribbon we made with the "PUPH FINISH LINE" (neither a pic!),
    2) there's no thanks for the ones who wake up at 4 with you (even if stayed in bed), and were waiting you both with the dinner,
    3) what's the problem about the tricycle???

  7. Gracias! Pensaba poner un comentario que incluyera las palabras ride, hell, dead, metal, cycle, byke, crazy, bastard, pero me parecio que ya habia demasiada locura en el blog!

    Felicitaciones de todas maneras y gracias por la distinción!

    Un abrazo!

  8. MAXVEC: porque no? ya sabes q me encantan esas palabras, no?
